Source code for creds.users

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains the classes for User (a user's details) and Users (a collection of User instances)."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import io
import json
import os
import shlex
import sys
from collections import MutableSequence
from creds.constants import (SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS, UID_MAX, UID_MIN,
from creds.ssh import PublicKey
from creds.ssh import read_authorized_keys
from creds.utils import (get_platform, sudo_check, read_sudoers, get_sudoers_entry, get_missing_commands)
from external.six import text_type

[docs]class User(object): """Representation of a user and their related credentials.""" def __init__(self, name=None, passwd=None, uid=None, gid=None, gecos=None, home_dir=None, shell=None, public_keys=None, sudoers_entry=None): """Make a user. args: name (str): user name. passwd (str, optional): password uid (int, optional): user id gid (int, optional): group id gecos (str): GECOS field home_dir (str): home directory shell (str): shell public_keys (list): list of public key instances sudoers_entry (str): an entry in sudoers """ = name self.passwd = passwd self.uid = uid self.gid = gid self._gecos = gecos self.home_dir = home_dir = shell self.public_keys = public_keys self.sudoers_entry = sudoers_entry @property def gecos(self): """Force double quoted gecos. returns: str: The double quoted gecos. """ if not self._gecos: return None if self._gecos.startswith(text_type('\'')) and self._gecos.endswith(text_type('\'')): self._gecos = '\"{0}\"'.format(self._gecos[1:-1]) return self._gecos elif self._gecos.startswith(text_type('\"')) and self._gecos.endswith(text_type('\"')): return self._gecos else: return '\"{0}\"'.format(self._gecos) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return '<User {0}>'.format(
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Return the user as a dict. """ public_keys = [public_key.b64encoded for public_key in self.public_keys] return dict(, passwd=self.passwd, uid=self.uid, gid=self.gid, gecos=self.gecos, home_dir=self.home_dir,, public_keys=public_keys)
[docs]class Users(MutableSequence): """A collection of users and methods to manage them.""" def __init__(self, oktypes=User): """Create instance of Users collection. args: oktypes (type): The acceptable types of instances.. """ platform = get_platform() # Check platform is supported if not platform in SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS: sys.exit('Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD are currently the only supported platforms for this library.') # Check OS commands are available for managing users missing_commands = get_missing_commands(platform) if missing_commands: sys.exit('Unable to find commands: {0}.\nPlease check PATH.'.format(', '.join(missing_commands))) self.oktypes = oktypes self._user_list = list()
[docs] def check(self, value): """Check types.""" if not isinstance(value, self.oktypes): raise TypeError
def __iter__(self): for user in self._user_list: yield user def __len__(self): return len(self._user_list) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __getitem__(self, index): return self._user_list[index]
[docs] def insert(self, index, value): """Insert an instance of User into the collection.""" self.check(value) self._user_list.insert(index, value)
def __setitem__(self, index, value): self.check(value) self._user_list[index] = value def __repr__(self): user_list = ['{0}'.format(user) for user in self._user_list] output = '\n'.join(user_list) return output def __delitem__(self, index): del self._user_list[index]
[docs] def remove(self, username=None): """Remove User instance based on supplied user name.""" self._user_list = [user for user in self._user_list if != username]
[docs] def describe_users(self, users_filter=None): """Return a list of users matching a filter (if provided).""" user_list = Users(oktypes=User) for user in self._user_list: if users_filter and (users_filter.get('name') == or users_filter.get('uid') == user.uid): user_list.append(user) return user_list
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, input_dict=None): """Create collection from dictionary content.""" return cls.construct_user_list(raw_users=input_dict.get('users'))
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, file_path=None): """Create collection from a YAML file.""" try: import yaml except ImportError: # pragma: no cover yaml = None if not yaml: import sys sys.exit('PyYAML is not installed, but is required in order to parse YAML files.' '\nTo install, run:\n$ pip install PyYAML\nor visit' ' for instructions.') with, encoding=text_type('utf-8')) as stream: users_yaml = yaml.safe_load(stream) if isinstance(users_yaml, dict): return cls.construct_user_list(raw_users=users_yaml.get('users')) else: raise ValueError('No YAML object could be decoded')
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, file_path=None): """Create collection from a JSON file.""" with, encoding=text_type('utf-8')) as stream: try: users_json = json.load(stream) except ValueError: raise ValueError('No JSON object could be decoded') return cls.construct_user_list(raw_users=users_json.get('users'))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_passwd(uid_min=None, uid_max=None): """Create collection from locally discovered data, e.g. /etc/passwd.""" import pwd users = Users(oktypes=User) passwd_list = pwd.getpwall() if not uid_min: uid_min = UID_MIN if not uid_max: uid_max = UID_MAX sudoers_entries = read_sudoers() for pwd_entry in passwd_list: if uid_min <= pwd_entry.pw_uid <= uid_max: user = User(name=text_type(pwd_entry.pw_name), passwd=text_type(pwd_entry.pw_passwd), uid=pwd_entry.pw_uid, gid=pwd_entry.pw_gid, gecos=text_type(pwd_entry.pw_gecos), home_dir=text_type(pwd_entry.pw_dir), shell=text_type(pwd_entry.pw_shell), public_keys=read_authorized_keys(username=pwd_entry.pw_name), sudoers_entry=get_sudoers_entry(username=pwd_entry.pw_name, sudoers_entries=sudoers_entries)) users.append(user) return users
[docs] @staticmethod def construct_user_list(raw_users=None): """Construct a list of User objects from a list of dicts.""" users = Users(oktypes=User) for user_dict in raw_users: public_keys = None if user_dict.get('public_keys'): public_keys = [PublicKey(b64encoded=x, raw=None) for x in user_dict.get('public_keys')] users.append(User(name=user_dict.get('name'), passwd=user_dict.get('passwd'), uid=user_dict.get('uid'), gid=user_dict.get('gid'), home_dir=user_dict.get('home_dir'), gecos=user_dict.get('gecos'), shell=user_dict.get('shell'), public_keys=public_keys, sudoers_entry=user_dict.get('sudoers_entry'))) return users
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Return a dict of the users. """ users = dict(users=list()) for user in self: users['users'].append(user.to_dict()) return users
[docs] def export(self, file_path=None, export_format=None): """ Write the users to a file. """ with, mode='w', encoding="utf-8") as export_file: if export_format == 'yaml': import yaml yaml.safe_dump(self.to_dict(), export_file, default_flow_style=False) elif export_format == 'json': export_file.write(text_type(json.dumps(self.to_dict(), ensure_ascii=False))) return True
[docs]def generate_add_user_command(proposed_user=None, manage_home=None): """Generate command to add a user. args: proposed_user (User): User manage_home: bool returns: list: The command string split into shell-like syntax """ command = None if get_platform() in ('Linux', 'OpenBSD'): command = '{0} {1}'.format(sudo_check(), LINUX_CMD_USERADD) if proposed_user.uid: command = '{0} -u {1}'.format(command, proposed_user.uid) if proposed_user.gid: command = '{0} -g {1}'.format(command, proposed_user.gid) if proposed_user.gecos: command = '{0} -c \'{1}\''.format(command, proposed_user.gecos) if manage_home: if proposed_user.home_dir: if os.path.exists(proposed_user.home_dir): command = '{0} -d {1}'.format(command, proposed_user.home_dir) elif not os.path.exists('/home/{0}'.format( command = '{0} -m'.format(command) if command = '{0} -s {1}'.format(command, command = '{0} {1}'.format(command, elif get_platform() == 'FreeBSD': # pragma: FreeBSD command = '{0} {1} useradd'.format(sudo_check(), FREEBSD_CMD_PW) if proposed_user.uid: command = '{0} -u {1}'.format(command, proposed_user.uid) if proposed_user.gid: command = '{0} -g {1}'.format(command, proposed_user.gid) if proposed_user.gecos: command = '{0} -c \'{1}\''.format(command, proposed_user.gecos) if manage_home: if proposed_user.home_dir: command = '{0} -d {1}'.format(command, proposed_user.home_dir) else: command = '{0} -m'.format(command) if command = '{0} -s {1}'.format(command, command = '{0} -n {1}'.format(command, if command: return shlex.split(str(command))
[docs]def generate_modify_user_command(task=None, manage_home=None): """Generate command to modify existing user to become the proposed user. args: task (dict): A proposed user and the differences between it and the existing user returns: list: The command string split into shell-like syntax """ name = task['proposed_user'].name comparison_result = task['user_comparison']['result'] command = None if get_platform() in ('Linux', 'OpenBSD'): command = '{0} {1}'.format(sudo_check(), LINUX_CMD_USERMOD) if comparison_result.get('replacement_uid_value'): command = '{0} -u {1}'.format(command, comparison_result.get('replacement_uid_value')) if comparison_result.get('replacement_gid_value'): command = '{0} -g {1}'.format(command, comparison_result.get('replacement_gid_value')) if comparison_result.get('replacement_gecos_value'): command = '{0} -c {1}'.format(command, comparison_result.get('replacement_gecos_value')) if comparison_result.get('replacement_shell_value'): command = '{0} -s {1}'.format(command, comparison_result.get('replacement_shell_value')) if manage_home and comparison_result.get('replacement_home_dir_value'): command = '{0} -d {1}'.format(command, comparison_result.get('replacement_home_dir_value')) command = '{0} {1}'.format(command, name) if get_platform() == 'FreeBSD': # pragma: FreeBSD command = '{0} {1} usermod'.format(sudo_check(), FREEBSD_CMD_PW) if comparison_result.get('replacement_uid_value'): command = '{0} -u {1}'.format(command, comparison_result.get('replacement_uid_value')) if comparison_result.get('replacement_gid_value'): command = '{0} -g {1}'.format(command, comparison_result.get('replacement_gid_value')) if comparison_result.get('replacement_gecos_value'): command = '{0} -c {1}'.format(command, comparison_result.get('replacement_gecos_value')) if comparison_result.get('replacement_shell_value'): command = '{0} -s {1}'.format(command, comparison_result.get('replacement_shell_value')) if manage_home and comparison_result.get('replacement_home_dir_value'): command = '{0} -d {1}'.format(command, comparison_result.get('replacement_home_dir_value')) command = '{0} -n {1}'.format(command, name) if command: return shlex.split(str(command))
[docs]def generate_delete_user_command(username=None, manage_home=None): """Generate command to delete a user. args: username (str): user name manage_home (bool): manage home directory returns: list: The user delete command string split into shell-like syntax """ command = None remove_home = '-r' if manage_home else '' if get_platform() in ('Linux', 'OpenBSD'): command = '{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(sudo_check(), LINUX_CMD_USERDEL, remove_home, username) elif get_platform() == 'FreeBSD': # pragma: FreeBSD command = '{0} {1} userdel {2} -n {3}'.format(sudo_check(), FREEBSD_CMD_PW, remove_home, username) if command: return shlex.split(str(command))
[docs]def get_user_by_uid(uid=None, users=None): """Return a list of users, from a supplied list, based on their uid. args: uid (id): A user id user_list (list): An instance of Users returns: list: a list of users matching the supplied uid """ return users.describe_users(users_filter=dict(uid=uid))
[docs]def compare_user(passed_user=None, user_list=None): """Check if supplied User instance exists in supplied Users list and, if so, return the differences. args: passed_user (User): the user instance to check for differences user_list (Users): the Users instance containing a list of Users instances returns: dict: Details of the matching user and a list of differences """ # Check if user exists returned = user_list.describe_users(users_filter=dict( replace_keys = False # User exists, so compare attributes comparison_result = dict() if passed_user.uid and (not returned[0].uid == passed_user.uid): comparison_result['uid_action'] = 'modify' comparison_result['current_uid_value'] = returned[0].uid comparison_result['replacement_uid_value'] = passed_user.uid if passed_user.gid and (not returned[0].gid == passed_user.gid): comparison_result['gid_action'] = 'modify' comparison_result['current_gid_value'] = returned[0].gid comparison_result['replacement_gid_value'] = passed_user.gid if passed_user.gecos and (not returned[0].gecos == passed_user.gecos): comparison_result['gecos_action'] = 'modify' comparison_result['current_gecos_value'] = returned[0].gecos comparison_result['replacement_gecos_value'] = passed_user.gecos if passed_user.home_dir and (not returned[0].home_dir == passed_user.home_dir): comparison_result['home_dir_action'] = 'modify' comparison_result['current_home_dir_value'] = returned[0].home_dir comparison_result['replacement_home_dir_value'] = passed_user.home_dir # (Re)set keys if home dir changed replace_keys = True if and (not returned[0].shell == comparison_result['shell_action'] = 'modify' comparison_result['current_shell_value'] = returned[0].shell comparison_result['replacement_shell_value'] = if passed_user.sudoers_entry and (not returned[0].sudoers_entry == passed_user.sudoers_entry): comparison_result['sudoers_entry_action'] = 'modify' comparison_result['current_sudoers_entry'] = returned[0].sudoers_entry comparison_result['replacement_sudoers_entry'] = passed_user.sudoers_entry # if passed_user.public_keys and (not returned[0].public_keys == passed_user.public_keys): existing_keys = returned[0].public_keys passed_keys = passed_user.public_keys # Check if existing and passed keys exist, and if so, compare if all((existing_keys, passed_keys)) and len(existing_keys) == len(passed_user.public_keys): # Compare each key, and if any differences, replace existing = set(key.raw for key in existing_keys) replacement = set(key.raw for key in passed_keys) if set.difference(existing, replacement): replace_keys = True # If not existing keys but keys passed set, then elif passed_keys and not existing_keys: replace_keys = True if replace_keys: comparison_result['public_keys_action'] = 'modify' comparison_result['current_public_keys_value'] = existing_keys comparison_result['replacement_public_keys_value'] = passed_keys return dict(state='existing', result=comparison_result, existing_user=returned)